Inventors Council of Central Florida

Submit Your Information

ICCF is a dynamic group of people with varied expertise.  We welcome your input.  This is where you can submit your own articles and helpful information.

If you have a story or can tell us how to accomplish a particular goal you can get it published here by following this process..

  • Prepare an email with the following information as appropriate.
  • Tell us what page you feel your information should be posted on.
  • Prepare an unformatted document (preferably a .txt file but a .doc will do) clearly telling the story or process.
  • Include any links to helpful web sites.
  • Attach any pictures that help with the article
  • Email it all to the Website Contact below.

 We will review the content, possibly edit it for clarity or length, and post it for all to use.  We look forward to your contributions.

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